This blog is specially for my friend, Mr Ian Hemmings. If you have read my other blog, STESMA forever, you would know that he is very ill. The title for this blog, Ajo Ajo Hoi Ting is actually a Hanggul (Korean phrase) which means keep on fighting or perservering in English. I learnt it while watching the K-drama "Full House". The lead actress who is a very optimistic lady would keep uttering this phrase to herself and her friends whenever circumstances appear not to be favourable for her or those near and dear to her. I have taught Ian this phrase and I want it to be his war cry against cancer. Medical science is becoming more advanced by the day and scientists are coming out with breakthrough cures for diseases even as I write this.
Information about Ian will be posted in coming posts. I decided to write a separate blog for him as STESMA forever is more about my school and the people who populate it. I shall be writing about my country Malaysia and showing lots of pictures of places here. Ian had so dearly wanted to come visit again but he is too weak to do so. There was so much about my country and culture I had wanted to show and share with my English friend who was so hospitable to me and the other Malaysian students when we stayed there. As an alternative, I shall take it upon myself to be his virtual tourist guide since I had promised to bring him around when he visits. I would dearly appreciate it if visitors to this site could post words of encouragement for Ian. Ajo Ajo Hoi Ting!!!
This blog is specially for my friend, Mr Ian Hemmings. If you have read my other blog, STESMA forever, you would know that he is very ill. The title for this blog, Ajo Ajo Hoi Ting is actually a Hanggul (Korean phrase) which means keep on fighting or perservering in English. I learnt it while watching the K-drama "Full House". The lead actress who is a very optimistic lady would keep uttering this phrase to herself and her friends whenever circumstances appear not to be favourable for her or those near and dear to her. I have taught Ian this phrase and I want it to be his war cry against cancer. Medical science is becoming more advanced by the day and scientists are coming out with breakthrough cures for diseases even as I write this.
Information about Ian will be posted in coming posts. I decided to write a separate blog for him as STESMA forever is more about my school and the people who populate it. I shall be writing about my country Malaysia and showing lots of pictures of places here. Ian had so dearly wanted to come visit again but he is too weak to do so. There was so much about my country and culture I had wanted to show and share with my English friend who was so hospitable to me and the other Malaysian students when we stayed there. As an alternative, I shall take it upon myself to be his virtual tourist guide since I had promised to bring him around when he visits. I would dearly appreciate it if visitors to this site could post words of encouragement for Ian. Ajo Ajo Hoi Ting!!!
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